OK, here's the deal. This was the first (good) map I've created. I designed the map itself (tiberium, rocks) in Final Sun Map Editor. Then I did a rules.ini file in SunEdit2K, thinking I would just extract the parts I needed and slap them in the map. Well, I had some trouble, got lazy, and just put the whole rules.ini in the map. The file is to big to be transferred between computers on WOL, but it works fine in Skirmish. For those who want to help out, here are the two parts of the map so you can do some of the compression yourself. Oh, and make the Heavy Bomber work. I had it working like any other aircraft until I played with the weapon settings. Oh well. If you have any progress E-mail me at eliteccsociety@yahoo.com. RULES.INI & MAP (unfinished)